Monday, August 27, 2007

Good bye Kitty

At one time in my life I used to get Psychology Today religiously..Now I avoid in partaking and a recent article by male behavior psychologists is the reason why..Unfortunately the article is and will spawn a book that unfortunately lazy thinking people will believe asnwers all the question on why women are treated like shit and why it should be continued and Most important Why Males and society in general need not feel bad about it.

My first question to the author is aren't there any rats that are in dire need of torturing that intelligent people need to wade through the garbage that your spotty logic has come up with to explain complex interaction of males and females..

Why do men like big boobed bleached blondes? Because the represent youth and thus males love jailbait..Not because Playboy and its Ilk have turned Bleached blonde with large breasts into an erotic fetish for the average male. There is nothing natural about Pamela Anderson and Marilyn Monroe they are artificial, I doubt a caveman would know what to do with them..

As for blonde hair that signifies wealth and is a status symbol not a symbol of youth. IN ancient until renaissence time Blonde hair signified that a women was a prostitute and of low moral fiber.

Well the article goes ad nauseum about how frat boy behavior is inherent in males.. And excuses it on evolution and the savannah, Never has a place been so abused by pop-psychology as the Savannah. Of course women must now in mass bleach their hair and become a mans 12 wife because we profit by polygymy..I truly wish pop culture would stop shoving polygamy down female collective throats..My belief is that if A man has numerous wives even rich he would still spend less on you simply because they are wives not wife. I will take serial monogamy over polygymy any day.

Another point suicide bombers need to get laid but cannot because all rich men have taken the women. I have always believed that religion and not the savannah had a great deal to do with it. But Heaven forbid I am just a little female and my small savannah brain might be over heated by trying to write and think at the same time. That must be left for the men and their bigger brains.

Well after reading this tripe A few weeks ago group of behavior psychologist again lacking any rats to torture set out to find out why women like the color pink..Undeterred even by their own evidence it seems among most modern females the color lilac to lavender and/ or red to wine are perferred..We like Paris Hilton pink because we once gathered the food on the infamous Savannah,,we gathered food,,we like the color pink...I have yet to see a fruit that is the yucky color of bubble gum pink they are Again trying to collectively shove down FEmales throats. it is enough to say Goodbye Kitty.

I now believe that we must start a Fund,a Charity to keep behaviour psychologists well stocked with rats so the population no longer needs to read this drivel masquerading as science.

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