A few days ago a adopted some plants to place in my front garden one rose bush and a wisteria bush from Home Depot... I use the word adopt because I think I am becoming one of the nutty Hippies that used to live in my neightborhood in L.A. during the sixties before the Manson Family arrived and my mother became a verbal champion of Hippies,,,,, Strange for her since she was a Hawk and a staunch republican but she perferred hippies over bikers any time of the day and made certain everyone knew that... I had a friend in school who was named Meadow and also one who proudly announced to friends her mother was a Witch and Psychic I thought that was the coolest..... Halloweeen was a holiday made for children and adults knew this and behaved for one night of the year....
Then I grew up and married, got divorced and went into recovery and saw a shadow cover the land... It started with the demonization of atheists and agnostics in recovery literature and then I moved to the Bible Belt and in a moment of satori enlightment I saw recovery for what it was the last net of christianity trowling for converts among the ill instead of medical help for the sick..... I saw that I had a choice be part of the problem or be free..... So I left recovery and entered life, a political, opinionated and emotional life things all feared and hated among the serene and serenity seekers.....I learned that my opinion counts and acceptance is not an option if it means status quo and complacency..... It is also a rich spiritual and mystical life.... I am ill but also I am alive and I will never allow serene complacency rule my life and turn it into a half-life...
To live life one must be constantly learning because reality is not constant..........to love life one must be willing to feel even if it is fear, anger or lust..... one must be willing to feel love and compassion..... the lesser emotions and the finer emotions are what make people> People without them we live in a state of shame and lack of understanding. To be able to empathize with someone you must be able to feel or have been able to feel what they are feeling.... Unability to empathize means one can not really form true compassion.... What one will feel for the other is pity and not true compassion....To be angry is to be alive, to be wrathful is to allow anger to grow from benficiality to an emotion hurtful and destructive....God does not feel wrath because She is too wise to allow Her anger to grow to such lengths... It is humankind that has placed on the Divinity a face of man and placed on Her what is weakness and rarely a true strength...... We want God to be Like us forgetting that God Is Pure SAnctity, sacredness, Holiness and Love.... All that is good Is God/DEss... Humankind has only scratched the surface of goodness but she is the embodiment of it...... society subconsciously knows this because GOODNESS AND GODDESS SO closely spelled alike...GOD IS GOOD but GODDESS IS TRUELY GOODNESS.
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