Well tomorrow is another holiday the one that most of the powers that be celebrate though how sincerely is only known betwixt them and their hairdresser the paraphrase the commercial..I always am in a befogged state of mind at times when new people come into my life or events occur I think are profound or of great import and I always wonder what is the meaning of this, What is it Goddess is showing me? I find that trying to tease out Her and the universes intent never works out a I find that the answer always unveils itself and rarely remains a mystery... It is usually a lesson plan for me and rarely a relevation of great import to humankind ...
Recently a russian artist came into my sphere of influence I wondered as I was trying to divest myself as much as I could of bad lingering russian bigotry and nationalism and also the religion...It worried me until I realized that what he was is a lesson in trust that I was right in certain beliefs and supposition I made about my European heritage and my mothers religion...It is always a relief to know you are on the right path in spiritual matters and not to linger in false nostalgia...
America is a strange country in matters of religion.... THey do not believe that there is religious discrimination here any more. Except among Conservatives that belief that christianity is being persecuted by secular Humanists...But ask them what a Secular humanist is and they have no definition beyond being in league with the devil...But then My definition on secular humanism is a bit fuzzy also.. Really it is not persecution that these people have an overiding sense of paranoia about. It is the fact that now days many people are not impressed by their religion or so-called piety and are not shy to tell them..."You obsessive compulsive about Jesus, I am not, get out of my face ." Is what a lot of these people are hearing and they do not like the fact that no one wants to kow-tow to them or move to the back of the ecumenical bus when they get on...
People who do face discrimination are usually viewed as deserving it like the way rape victims are made to feel...Somehow because the victim does not belong to a religion that resembles a mainstream religion they are in a cult and thus deserving of bad treatment<>And that is the gist of all religious discrimnation make life so hard that they will convert to the dominant religion if not that at least something related to it......
Merry Part from the Hinterlands
Recently a russian artist came into my sphere of influence I wondered as I was trying to divest myself as much as I could of bad lingering russian bigotry and nationalism and also the religion...It worried me until I realized that what he was is a lesson in trust that I was right in certain beliefs and supposition I made about my European heritage and my mothers religion...It is always a relief to know you are on the right path in spiritual matters and not to linger in false nostalgia...
America is a strange country in matters of religion.... THey do not believe that there is religious discrimination here any more. Except among Conservatives that belief that christianity is being persecuted by secular Humanists...But ask them what a Secular humanist is and they have no definition beyond being in league with the devil...But then My definition on secular humanism is a bit fuzzy also.. Really it is not persecution that these people have an overiding sense of paranoia about. It is the fact that now days many people are not impressed by their religion or so-called piety and are not shy to tell them..."You obsessive compulsive about Jesus, I am not, get out of my face ." Is what a lot of these people are hearing and they do not like the fact that no one wants to kow-tow to them or move to the back of the ecumenical bus when they get on...
People who do face discrimination are usually viewed as deserving it like the way rape victims are made to feel...Somehow because the victim does not belong to a religion that resembles a mainstream religion they are in a cult and thus deserving of bad treatment<>And that is the gist of all religious discrimnation make life so hard that they will convert to the dominant religion if not that at least something related to it......
Merry Part from the Hinterlands
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