What environmentalists know and people with small minds refuse to understand is that oxygen is created by plant life and plants eat carbon by inhaling it, and create oxygen that they exhale into the environment if this is part of the process of photosynthesis....If we taught this to schoolchildren instead of trying circumvent seperation of church and state laws and shoving creationism into their little minds....The planet might have a chance...To neo-con Friends and family the reason hugging a tree is so important is that a tree in its daily life purifies the air and helps to combat Global Warming that is why the Tropical and Temperate rainfrost are so important...WITHOUT PLANT LIFE AND FORESTS WE CANNONT BREATHE...as pretty as little owls are I am fond of breathing, a lot, which makes preservation of woodlands and jungle a top priority in my world.... Rampant destruction of plant life is one reason Why Global Warming is reaching critical mass so quickly.... And to overbreeders lack of restraint in breeding is a major cause of deforestation....That fourth or fifth child does not prove you are super nuturer or a great lover of children it only proves you are a selfish twit who should know better......
Since I cannot run down to South America and since I do not have the guts to sit in a tree for the next few years I will Fight deforestation in my neighborhood and plant fruit trees in my front yard so neighbors may partake and plant hundred and hundreds of tulips so that my yard mimics the fields of tulips I saw as a child in a travel commercial for holland.....We need a new religious holiday in the spring and fall each year an INternational Day of planting for Gaia....With festivals and seminars on organic farming and in fall Bulb Day for Urtha.......................
Well my planting for this year has begun.... The Lewellyn Calender Datebook for witches has in it marked the day that are auspicious for planting and harvesting.......
From the Hinterland, MP.
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