There are many children in the world and in this country that need protecting but not from evil hordes of gay people but the people caring for them abusive parents, foster parents, charities and abusive religious sects and knows a sane and rational Lesbian or Homosexual would be a salvation to these children... We are acting as though in this country no child goes to sleep hungry or is not abused, that is what nice well-fed white men never on the poverty level believe...There are children out there with no hope, a decent gay couple or single gay person could save the life of one desperate child,,, but heaven forbid we might upset the mono-maniacs, It might cause dancing in a new generation, Heaven forbid.....
Thursday, March 15, 2007
monagamy and the real scoop
There are many children in the world and in this country that need protecting but not from evil hordes of gay people but the people caring for them abusive parents, foster parents, charities and abusive religious sects and knows a sane and rational Lesbian or Homosexual would be a salvation to these children... We are acting as though in this country no child goes to sleep hungry or is not abused, that is what nice well-fed white men never on the poverty level believe...There are children out there with no hope, a decent gay couple or single gay person could save the life of one desperate child,,, but heaven forbid we might upset the mono-maniacs, It might cause dancing in a new generation, Heaven forbid.....
Saturday, March 10, 2007
mistake misled misuse and mass distraction
When a women says, I made a mistake, it is reacted with "How can that silly cow had done that.."
When a man says," I made a mistake", he is a big man for admiting it...
Had Hillary been the first candidate to say they had made a mistake then every male candidate would telling us he was mislead and showing us how it occured.
OLD BOYS NETWORK IS CLOSING RANKS with a large degree of hypocritical self-righteous smugness
But americans live on bullshit we hear from politicians, religious leaders and cultural icons day and night..
Friday, March 09, 2007
Hillary Bashin and male antics
I am not against divorce. I am an ex-divorcee with a successful second marriage. Having had an abusive first marriage and watching the antics as a child of two people who could not successfully live together but stayed together for the sake of the children and family values(thanks for the eternal guilt).. I am not against divorce but I am against people who decry it when women do it to leave an abusive situation and ignore men who do so for political expediacy or am just tried of the bitch...It is a break down of the american family when a female does it or a disenfranchised male but if you are a power broker you can stand on the podium and make speeches to overly religious people and conservatives pandering their simplistic view of complex personal relationships and how to fix them...People can fix themselves, they do not need laws passed that are slick ways to give excessively religious and conservative control freaks the fix they need. The power to stick their pruient noses in other people business.
Hillary spoke with a southern accent quick, ready the firing squad . Let's get Jude Law and every other english actor that spoke with an overblown southern accent in overacted tawdry soap operas that effectively minimize ante-bellum racism and excuse the fact that they thought it was cute to own human being. Janet, Hillary, Nicole do wish a last smoke.....
I am sorry southern conservatives. I know that Fox news is trying to make you out as ego-centric and meglomaniacal narcissists, but Hillary is not a racist..I know asians that raised in the south speak with a southern accent, and blacks and latino and heaven forbid, Catholics a whole other race of persons.. Southern twang is a regional accent not a enthic dialect or race based slang... If you are so sensitive and have internalized the bigot view that a southern twang makes you an uneducated boob and the only reason a northerner would speak with one is to insult you then you are the bigot that is ashamed your own regional unigueness.. Hillary used it to show she admires you and that she not ashamed to be lumped in with southerners..That she was proud of the fact that she was the wife of a southern Governor... If that bothers you then you are the racist and regionalist and secretly ashamed of your culture...Let call it what it is Fox News. The fact is that Fox News cannot imagine someone wanting to bond in solidarity with southerners, politically, morally, socially or culturally. To Fox News the Southern culture is one of big bellied racists and shrewish trailer park brides it is not the world of great American writers and innovative Scientists and inventors... The REGIONALISTS AND RACISTS ARE FOX NEWS NOT HILLARY...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
bee scarves and sexism
The reason we do not see women in Bee keeper Suits (and being run down by cars they cannot see is third highest cause of death for Middle eastern women) Not Causing hysteria amongst liberals and anyone else is THAT THE PERSON IN THE BEEKEEPER SUIT IS A WOMAN...Now do not get me wrong I have nothing against a muslim women wearing head scrarf if they wished or plain clothing or what ever else is safe for them to wear. Unlike some Feminists I have nothing against covering ones head if it is that persons choice.. I grew up in California and went school many muslim women and some of them look positively beatific in their attire like young Theatokises. What I have is a thing about forcing women to look bad in clothes because a man has so little control over his wee-wee he cannot be around an attractively dressed women, that I have a large problem with that...if you have so little self-control, then you should not be in charge of a family let alone a country... You are one that needs to be in the harem..and it is beginning to happen in the US among conservative christians... It is really bad when you look at the taliban and envy them. That is what the super fundies are doing by dressing daughter in floor length jeans skirt and sons in dockers and polo shirts... believe me a score of these girls are not choosing to look that bad. Again it goes on because Sexism is a natural condition for all these people and liberal men do not have a good record on this issue....
I NO LONGER REFER TO THE FEMALE SEX AS A SEX I use the term race because obvious thinking of myself and females as a seperate sex invites abuse and for some women death... No there is a new race in town crosses colorline and has no ethinicity.. Because cleaving to the men of race is not going to bring equality, may-be for the male but not for the female... Push come to shove whatever color you are you still do not have a cock and in this world that is all that really counts.
Jesse James, Dalton Gang and Dillenger Where have you gone?
What this brings to mind is that Americans are changin by the offhanded sadistic and greedy behavior of the powers that be...But they are not getting wise enough quick enough to save their children....I always wondered why conservatives hated the public school system, even when I was a conservative, as a child I went to a good school district so when I came to the Bible belt I was horrified by the Illiteracy and ignorance of the common person. So I sat and I watched and I realized a pattern.. People are uneducated here their faith is conservative and fundamental in religion, even if their religion is not Known for in other parts of the country to be excessively conservative..They vote in conservatives and they helped to dismantle the Unions, who though doing a Half-assed job to help these people were really the only ones going to bat for them..And again and again I see these Religious Institutions prostituting themselves for conservative politics with the hope that they will receive tax money to pay for the bloated mortgages on their mega-churchs. Selling out their poor bethren for power to create a Fascist religious Theocracy at best or control of welfare money to abuse the poor even more than they have already done by supporting the Conservative agenda.. It is a betrayal that even pales in comparision with Judases..Christ had the divine power to protect himself the poor do not.
So where have you gone Jesse, the Daltons and Dillenger we miss you So..,,
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
history and alternate endings
What would have happen to the Irish and the english had the Irish retained power most assuredly the protestant reformation in england would not have occurred Henry the 8th would not have laid the foundation for the english navy with church funds looted from monastaries...If Elizabeth came into being most assuredly and early death or a sudden urge to be a wife to christ would have developed in her young self-perserving heart... If she came into power as a Monarch the Irish having autonomy in This(FAntasy World) Irish persons this is a FAntasy supposition I am writing, I am sorry you are matyrs, life aint good in the barrio either, would have supported Spain, england would have been innudated and the Haspburgh King Phillip of Spain would have control of England and Within a Lfetime would have cowed the Irish with the help of the Pope. Our Elizabeth would have married Phillip or Elizabeth Would have been beheaded and A proper catholic of tudor Queen Mary of Scotland would of Been Queen...I see celtic bigots every where wriggling in ecstacy over that scenario....
Holland would probably barely survive the Catholic onslaught after the Victory in england...It might remain a Protestant country by the skin of its teeth...But any modern wealth that the Scandinavian countries have today will have evaporated by the constant warring with the Hapsburg empire...The flowering of the Dutch economic empire and sciences and arts would have been suppressed creating a world that would be backward in it exploration of asia and the pacific. The growth of the middle-class would have been stunted by a lack of merchant class made wealthy from the Dutch West and East India companies. Linnaues would have been fighting in the trenches as well as Vermeer for opposite sides
But say these people would it be so bad about the Haspburghs. The movie the ILLUSIONIST IS set in the Hapsburgh Empire that covered Austria and a good portion of central and southeast europe and Italy. The Hapsburghs with that much power and clout to control most of nothern europe and all the america the Sopranos would not have liked that...IN the 1800's it was a world of secret police agencies it is a world that in its death throes gave birth to Hilter... I do not think that a Hapsburgh would have allowed an American Revolution I do not believe that Democracy Would have had a chance...I believe that the first revolution would have been Class wars and not the setting up of Democracy but the peasantry looking for power and revenge...We think that this world is bad, reality occurs for a reason, History occurs for reason as long as we kid ourselves and stay in the denial of the true reason for the conflict. The conflict will never be solved if the true reason is not addressed and the people in denial of said reason. They will then ascribe noble reasons for their violence, wars are start by hatred, covetousness and revenge both sides....
It made me wonder about Female instability, emotional and otherwise...When I am bored I watch crime shows usually documentary or real crime retellings of cases...It is a good way to gauge the moral fabric of a society and learn about regional social life(who are in power among the religious and political groups and who are the disenfranchised and thus easy targets to kill or scapegoat for a crime). I have noticed in the South that the homicide dectectives have a tendency when child murder or sex crime occurs. That if the spouse or parent have church affiliation, they head to the local High School and ask the students who they think did the crime...Usually the prep turns out to be an ascerbic young goth or anarchist...They are convicted on the evidence of their religious beliefs, political beliefs or dabbling in the occult...I am not saying that the occasional ascerbic young goth or anarchist does not commit a heinous crime but when push come to shove they always find one to fit the prep profile until it becomes so obvious that the good family member did it.
I was watching a shows on Oxygen and WE and heard some facts on how unstable a certain sex is 90% of violent criminals are MEN, 70% of murdered women are killed by the MEN they intimated with, Pregnant women greatest threat to her life is not medical but to be murdered by the MAN they are intimated with. 75% OF Male MURDER VICTIMS ARE KILLED BY MEN...AND YET IT IS FEMALE INSTABILITY that worries conservative men and women...Go Figure... MEN go ballistic everyday in heinous ways that led to the death of other men, women, and children and we are worried about female instablity because Britney shaved her head and Hillary looks like she might be a ballbreaker.... Sorry with the way crime stats are may-be we need a little ballbreaker including in international diplomacy....May-be men need to wake up and release the idea that they are not the little princes society and their mothers have hoisted on them..Having a cock does not make you better in fact is makes you more violent and emotionally unstable and may be someone with female Hormones will do a better and more realistic job running the country... Women are anything but realists especially after the age of 24..
Well maybe I should just stop reading my families e-mails, If I could I would just block them until Hillary is elected or gives it a noble try. But with the delusional you just do not now what will hurt their senstive feelings... obviously I am a feminist and a Goddess Worshipper sounds to them like an invitation to send all your crazy political and religious is as if conservatives only hear that crazy voice in their head when you are talking to them... The one that helps them formulate their political and religious beliefs, and so ignore any real life stats on crime and behavior and anything else concrete real and logical does not exist.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
outing a covert warrioress
People in the covert world live dangerous day to day lives whether they live in America or are working in foreign countries or are foriegn operatives...Rarely do their families live with them in foriegn locales it is to dangerous in case a cover is broken... In the 50's or maybe the 60's in Vienna Russian operatives were torturing for days and killing foreign operatives working for Nato. The CIA and british Intelligence sent a team in to clean up the mess by killing the Russian operatives in ways that would contain their operation every soviet operative that knew of these people identity were killed any that were missed were made certain to be so low level and powerless they would afraid to go on with their mission... Soviet housekeeping staff were double agents and after the mission was completed they were all wisked away and given dental treatment and AMerican Identities.. So when that old foreign lady at the nursing home tells she was a double agent and her teeth are great condition she might be telling the truth.
But to get to Valerie Plame. Today 80 year old spies who fought the cold war are coming out of the covert intelligence closet but the cold war is over and any of their adversaries and dead or just as infirm...During the cold war foreign operatives were protect and treated like a precious commodity the person recruiting them were trained and identity protected for if their identity were known then none of the operatives they recruited would be safe... in the covert world the enemy does not play nice these people are compromised they and their families are in CRITICAL DANGER... but for someone who is born with a silver spoon up their nose Bush does not understand that a good and reliable foreign operative is worth their weight in cocaine measured in Kilos not grams...
How many of these people and their families have died and will die in the future is not known everyone of these people, their dead bodies should be hung around Bush neck like an albatross and he should allowed no entry or peace in any port on earth...If anyone cries out to made a modern Flying Dutchman is Bush and his crew...
For Valerie there will be a lifetime of worry for loved ones and herself.. The quiet perculating fear and anxiety that ever operative has, will in her be greater and uncalled for will this racheting up of fear be... My heart goes out to her and her loved ones... Also there will be the sorrow for the death of comrades even if they were foreigners....What complacent and emotionally fat americans do not understand is the sacrifice of covert warriors.. The emotional and psychological suffering and pain these people face.. The horrors they face daily the fear for families...There is no post traumatic stress treatment for spies and no disability for them like disabled vets they quietly go on hoping even after leaving that the enemy never know their name...The Bush administration took that hope away from Valerie of anonymity to her enemy by announcing in the US media her identity because he was peeved at her husband... Loose lips sink Ships and the GReatest breach in US security and Intelligence is not a movie with Chris Cooper in it It is George W. Bush....
Oh printing the instructions on building a nuclear weapon on the Internet in Arabic was a swift boat move, very smart not.... All spies in my family are dead and all suffered for their loyalty to America but they died before the Plame incident secure in the knowledge that America would never sell them out...YOU COULD NOT EVEN LEAVE MY GENERATION OR THE NEXT THAT SIMPLE SECURITY...You are Self will run riot Bush and addictive personality if there was ever was one a dry drunk and the conservative and various branches of Christianity are to blame for putting such an unstable individual in power.
What's in a name
I have always been amazed about conservatives and people living in the bible belt they are appalled by the of profane language but are not at all bothered by racial slurs... I grew up in Los Angeles and editing ones language for racial and ethnic slurs for me was a given...As misanthropic as I can be I am a people person when I want to be I like meeting intelligent people and talking to them especially people from other cultures. To me instead of being Traumatized by the word sh-t or f-ck or even geek upsets these people maybe they need to consider racial,ethnic slurs and slurs against gender and sexual orientation as profane.... maybe then people will start giving them the benefit of the doubt when they tell us how moral or holy they are.
Carbon and tulips
What environmentalists know and people with small minds refuse to understand is that oxygen is created by plant life and plants eat carbon by inhaling it, and create oxygen that they exhale into the environment if this is part of the process of photosynthesis....If we taught this to schoolchildren instead of trying circumvent seperation of church and state laws and shoving creationism into their little minds....The planet might have a chance...To neo-con Friends and family the reason hugging a tree is so important is that a tree in its daily life purifies the air and helps to combat Global Warming that is why the Tropical and Temperate rainfrost are so important...WITHOUT PLANT LIFE AND FORESTS WE CANNONT pretty as little owls are I am fond of breathing, a lot, which makes preservation of woodlands and jungle a top priority in my world.... Rampant destruction of plant life is one reason Why Global Warming is reaching critical mass so quickly.... And to overbreeders lack of restraint in breeding is a major cause of deforestation....That fourth or fifth child does not prove you are super nuturer or a great lover of children it only proves you are a selfish twit who should know better......
Since I cannot run down to South America and since I do not have the guts to sit in a tree for the next few years I will Fight deforestation in my neighborhood and plant fruit trees in my front yard so neighbors may partake and plant hundred and hundreds of tulips so that my yard mimics the fields of tulips I saw as a child in a travel commercial for holland.....We need a new religious holiday in the spring and fall each year an INternational Day of planting for Gaia....With festivals and seminars on organic farming and in fall Bulb Day for Urtha.......................
Well my planting for this year has begun.... The Lewellyn Calender Datebook for witches has in it marked the day that are auspicious for planting and harvesting.......
From the Hinterland, MP.
mistake apology
Monday, March 05, 2007
spring cleaning and death, fame and Tragedy
Anna-Nicole died of two things a dysfunctional childhood and fame(add money, too much money and not enough Psychotherapy).... It is the same thing that killed Elvis not enough love and emotional security and too much money to try to fill up the hole left in their souls..... Or maybe as Shakespeare would of suggested if he were asked to ghost write a autobiography by Simon and Schuster under Mr. Sterns name or Ms. Presley's they were star-crossed born under a tragic conjunction of planets and influences....Some people are born of tragedy and simply grow up to die young....Maybe their great fame, wealth and talent(ie.,Elvis) was a way the universe dealt them recompense, their bad luck with all other aspects of life....Maybe they were just Tragedy's children and she wanted them home.... I am so glad Elvis died in the 70's because I am not sick to death of his tragedy as I am of poor sweet befuddled Anna-Nicole the Jayne Mansfield of the 90's...