I come to speak of the dirty little secret that mona-gamous family hides... the marriage that should not have happened or needed to be buried before the tots were two....a mona-gamous marriage that keeps on going like an evil, demented and demonic energizer-bunny that keeps on going and in the end nearly consumes the children they are staying together for...IT teaches good boys and girl to hate mom because she is a hysteric and hate dad because he abuses himself and mom... Its the one where mom is asking the good REverand father for advice and all he has to say stay together you made your bed because divorce stats look bad on his resumee. Yeah Garrison Kellior tell us the great fable about monogamy and make sure to hide the dirty secret...Maybe the Great Monogamists children are always divorcing is because of the example at home and not the evil secular society...
There are many children in the world and in this country that need protecting but not from evil hordes of gay people but the people caring for them abusive parents, foster parents, charities and abusive religious sects and et.al...Goddess knows a sane and rational Lesbian or Homosexual would be a salvation to these children... We are acting as though in this country no child goes to sleep hungry or is not abused, that is what nice well-fed white men never on the poverty level believe...There are children out there with no hope, a decent gay couple or single gay person could save the life of one desperate child,,, but heaven forbid we might upset the mono-maniacs, It might cause dancing in a new generation, Heaven forbid.....
Gay people make great parents I know many and not just last ditch parents if Americans do not accept the fact Moral American Devolutionists are irrational bordering on illness we will lose more than just gay rights we will lose a generation and others to come..